Good morning cutie pies! After an amazing weekend sailing through beautiful islands of South of France my head is currently into suitcases. I still have a few things to finish and prepare before my trip to Buenos Aires tonight. I just can't believe what an adventure I am getting into, the latino atmosphere, the big city and the food specialities are a whole new culture I need to adapt to...

As said before, I am heading in a few hours to the airport. Nice to London followed by a 14 hour flight to Buenos Aires - I better get my sneakers and comfy outfit on to get ready for a long long travel day. When getting into summer this trip seemed so far and yet arrived so fast, I still cannot believe I will wake up tomorrow in this to be discovered city! I am going there completely blinded and with no idea of where to go and what to do - So, if you guys have any good addresses for restaurants, bars, activities and great photo location don't hesitate to email me or simply comment right under.

A promise is a promise, this post is the "suite" of the previous one: The perfect accessories. The jewels were so gorgeous that I had to create an article just for them! Louis Vuitton has made such a casual yet chic collection, they always manage to amaze me. Opposites was the others day mantra, I decided to go completely at the opposite of what people would think I would wear with Louis Vuitton accessories. This is why I opted for a complete casual look, wearing a simple denim shirt tied at the front with a maxi skirt with incredible details and my fav boots from Isabel Marant. Why go complicated when you can go simple? That's how I think most of the time.

I am now closing my suitcases and getting all my bags together - direction the Airport! By the way, I was so happy and surprised by all your sweet comments, it really makes me want to continue and make LMDC an even better fashion destination as days goes by. Thank you for following what I do and showing interest! Make sure to keep checking the blog for even more surprising articles, Kiss.

Shirt, H&M (here)
Bag, Ralph Lauren (similar here)

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