Hey guys! I hope you had a wonderful christmas filled with love and food (obviously). I personally ate like a pig and am very very proud of it, after all, if you don't let yourself go for christmas when do you ever? I wonder...

I thought I had been a good girl this year but apparently I wasn't as I couldn't find a squad of baby Pomeranians under my christmas tree.. Would you know anything about it? Kidding. Puppies are nice but christmas is more about spending some quality time with your family and eating, mostly eating. Santa was indeed nice with me as I did receive a few gorgeous presents that I will show you soon. Anyways, enough about christmas, my stomach can't deal with no christmas no more. I am here to talk about a way for you guys to have more presents before the new year starts!!!! Bear with me.

I am sure that all of you know about the shopping website Farfetch. I was recently on the website looking for gift ideas and I absolutely loved my time spent on it. So, when I  found out they had launched a new and improved app for iPhone and iPad I downloaded it straight away. I usually hate shopping on the go but the app is so easy to use and well designed that it is a pure pleasure, while I eat, bath, work I am constantly checking the app out for new goodies. Ok, maybe not in the bath - but were close from it. Throughout the article you'll see some of my discoveries and must haves, but you guys should download the app and see for yourself all the little treasures they have; trust me, the Farfetch discover shopping app is so worth it.

Are you guys ready? I have a BIG SURPRISE!! Farfetch and I are giving you the chance to win a £400 voucher to shop the app. All you have to do is enter the competition that will end on the 31st of December at midday, you can find at the end of the article all the details to enter the competition. I wish you the best of luck!! Big kiss my loves, may the force be with you Xx

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