Hello sweeties! I am currently in London for my final week of studies before spring break, hell yeah! This weekend I found myself back in Paris. I know, I know i've been going to Paris quite a lot recently, but it's for work, I swear! Things are moving quite fast and I am so excited, get ready to see me everywhere (just kidding)...

Big spoiler right there, but more than that I am so happy about how things are turning. Only this month I've appeared in Vogue twice and it is seriously surreal. Me. In. Vogue. Whaaaaaat? From my Dior look during fashion week that was listed in the best street style to my Campaign with Adriana Castro, I could seriously get used to this. Vogue has always been my fashion "bible", being in it is just another level, I need someone to pinch me - would this be a dream? I've been trying to get my hands on this vogue Mexico for a few days now, would someone know how I could order a few dozen? Just kidding, ten will do.  If you guys haven't seen the article, click here.

I just remembered mentioning spring break earlier, do you guys have any plans? I still don't, someone take me on a crazy adventure with them, please! Otherwise, I'll just keep myself busy working on the blog and making articles. Seems like a good plan for me. Plus, my dear friend eurostar can take me where I want (you know where) anytime. So, if you see an article with a metal pointy thing in the background you know where I'll be.

This article was shot in Milan during the second day of fashion week. I need to clarify a few things, first, I wasn't cold, second I did have tights on. I am not that cool, sorry. Although, cool stuff I am wearing are these Laurence Dacade boots that I now dedicate my life to, this so gorgeous Louis Vuitton bag and my recently purchased super comfy yet very chic skirt from Sandro. A mix of cool stuff that could only make a cool outfit.

Crop top, Sisley
Jacket, Zara
Skirt, Sandro
Sunnies, Dior

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