Here we go! As you might have seen on my Instagram feed, just yesterday we were in Milan and I couldn't feel more blessed and happy. I was so so so excited to go back. After living there for five months it was such an incredible feeling to be there and especially as we were attending Fashion Week! I hadn't had the chance to go to the last MFW so I promised myself that this time I would go, no matter what...

As I am writing this article seating in my room back in London, I still cannot believe where we were and all the great things that happened. I've been invited by the brand Fay to attend their show and you have no idea of what was happening in my head, even though I was supposed to be in class working on my maths well, I to be truly honest I felt that this, what I went to do, the opportunity that was given to me was way more important. I've dreamed for so long to attend Fashion Weeks that being invited and able to attend shows made it unreal, truly unreal. So, we might have stayed there just for 2 days but for me it was already amazing. Things happened so fast, everything last minute and well I am proud to stay that we managed and my list of things to do is complete.

- Book a flight last minute - done.
- Reserve a room last minute - done.
- Organise my classes - done.
- Fittings for the show - done.
- Plan B outfit - done.
- Outfit for an unexpected event last minute - done.
- Transportation from one place to another - Ubeeeeeer!

Here were my main priorities when preparing the two days for MFW, a lot for such a short period of time but oh well, better have a Plan B and C rather than just a Plan A and no alternatives in case of any unexpected surprises. Right?

That done, I can now talk about this outfit I wore back in London. Not that long ago I thought that what you had under your coat was more important than the coat itself, I now realise that it is wrong, completely wrong. A coat can be so much more than a pretty top, a coat is a way of saying that even in the cold you can be stylish. And when it's Burberry, well what can I say - Better! Although, styling a coat isn't that simple. Either you have the super colourful and effortlessly cool kind of coat, either you have a simple one that you can accessorise as you want. Your choice.

You guys make sure to follow my Instagram @carla_ginola for all the MFW updates! Love X

Coat, Burberry
Scarf, Vintage
Pants, Zara
Boots, Kurt Geiger (similar)
Bag, Louis Vuitton (or similar)

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