Happy Tuesday folks! Hope you are all enjoying this beginning of the week, I am not particularly doing so, with the exams approaching it is with a lot of work I have to deal with.. I always find the time to post though! So, here it goes with this other beautiful article we shot in Valencia...

This time of the month was the most relaxing and joyful of all! No work, no stress and no control over food - Yihaaa! This cowboy shout probably demonstrates how great it was, it's only a week ago we were in beautiful Spain, but it feels like ages! And this day was so amazing, exploring and strolling in the city like little tourists - even though it wasn't my first time there. We were walking by gorgeous little streets when we landed on this plaza that has the most beautiful background! It was a must to stop for a minute (more) and take a few (lot more than few) pictures. We did manage to be quick as a big Paella was waiting for us home - how could we stay any longer with this stuck in our heads?

With all the cloths in my suitcase, the outfit was pretty easy to choose. As I explained already in the previous post, I came back with more cloths than when I arrived, odd? No, it's just me. Knowing we would walk a lot it was very natural to choose flats and comfy denim shorts I bought there. You are probably thinking, was these shorts from Zara a necessity? Well no, because I have plenty of denim shorts, but not these in particular! They are boyfriend cut and just perfect for when I'll be in Argentina (Yes, I can see that far in time). For the flats, as usual my favorite Chanel ballerinas that are the perfect combo of chic and casual. As i hate being too casual and too simple I opted for a studded sleeveless jacket over a simple tank top. 

The real deal is the hair do. You might have noticed that I don't often change my hair do, it's either untied or tied. But, for this tied hair day I wanted something more original! Which leads us to this half ponytail, half braid. What do you guys think? I personally love the way it dresses up the outfit, it makes it a whole lot stylish. I decided to make more often original hair do's and change my habits. So, be prepared to see some changes on the blog! Back to studies now, have a great week loves, Kiss.

Vest, Just M
Shorts, Zara
Ballerinas and clutch, Chanel
Bracelet, Cartier
Ring, Top Shop

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