Hello everybody! I am writing this article from my room in Munich and I'm glad I finally found time to publish this new story we shot yesterday in Lugano. It wasn't planned but this town is so beautiful that we had to stop to take pictures...

We decided only the day for the tomorrow to leave for Germany to see one of our friends that is studying there. The six hours route ahead was passing by such beautiful towns that we decided to make stops. This obviously meant stoping by Lugano as we had to pass by Switzerland to arrive to our final destination, having this stop our 6 hour route became an 8 hour one -  but, no regrets! While driving our way to Munich we saw incredible landscape, views and towns - Such an amazing travel plan! Between the view, the music and me singing {or screaming} on my favourite songs, we actually did not see the time pass. Well I didn't! Let's ask the driver how he experienced the travel?

Anyways, for the drive the outfit decision was pretty tough.. At first, I wanted to go in a YOLO mode wearing sweatpants but, once I knew we were stoping in Lugano I just had to dress up a bit and take the opportunity to shoot there. One problem, Lugano weather and Munich weather are completely different - So, yes I did my little starlet and actually wore two different outfits in the same day. But no worries I still looked silly changing cloths in the tiny tiny Fiat we rented, I'll let you imagine and laugh a bit now.

Let's get back to the central subject, Fashion. For my first outfit of the day in Lugano, kidding I'll stop being posh.... NOW! I chose this very light and classy outfit to represent the city that is Lugano, a city full of charm, peacefulness and chic discretion. This is why, to represent these adjectives I decided to wear nude, white and pastel colours that goes so well together! Let's start from the top, I fell in love with this mint top from Zara the other day and knew it would go with anything! For the bottoms white seem the most appropriate to match these pastel colours, adding an other touch of white and chic with the blazer that I don't have on all of the pictures as the top is so beautiful on itself. Regarding the shoes, I really wanted something discret that would go perfectly with the outfit without adding anymore color - so, what else than these nude pointed heels from Kurt Geiger? Kisses from Munich loves X

Blazer, Mango (similar here)
Top, Zara
Pants, Zara (similar here)
Heels, Kurt Geiger
Bag, Dior

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