Adriana Castro SS15 Campaign 

Hello babies! I am writing this article from Spain, Valencia and I couldn't be more excited! We probably took the first flight of the day at 7am which means wake up at 4am and off we were to Valencia. As I said in the previous article the video that was made during the shoot is out and you have to see it...

The big news I announced a month ago on Instagram is finally online and I just have to share it on every social media I can. When I was told that a behind the scenes video was made of the whole shoot I just couldn't believe It as I hadn't even realised people were filming meanwhile - that shows how focused and blind I was. Anyways, I am so overwhelmed and glad to possess a video that resumes this whole experience. 

The shoot and so video were made in the residence of Lauren Ridinger and it was absolutely gorgeous, a real dream house right on the sea.When entering the house I had to pinch myself every minute to be sure I wasn't dreaming, no kidding. The stylist, make up artist and hairdresser present we could start getting to work - Trying the outfits I felt like a princess, wearing all sort of beautiful cloths from amazing designers. "Ahhhhhh this is crazy" is what I wanted to shout out loud. Once the five outfits were chosen we were out to shoot in a beautiful weather. Snap snap snap when I realised there was maybe twenty people looking at me, a crazy, unthinkable day dream. A little anecdote about the shoot only the people there know about, I did take the "model" role a bit too seriously as I could simply not eat a thing and thought I could make it through the day - until the moment I felt like fainting and couldn't stand anymore. But no worries, a Sprite and I was up again ready to rock it! I even instagramed a picture holding the drink and looking all pumped up, ahhh memories... Except this little issue all went  perfectly fine and at the end of the day as we all love to say "it was a wrap".

I'll now let you watch the video peacefully and please let me know all your thoughts, I'm super curious and love to hear people's opinion! From the makeup and hair preparation to the fittings straight to the shoot, you'll see how everything went and all the different backgrounds we shot. Also, you will discover all the outfits, even the ones I didn't share on Instagram and kept as a surprise. A preview before the campaign is out, so sit back and enjoy! 

Make sure to follow me on Instagram at Carla_ginola for daily updates, what I'm doing, where, why and with who is just one click away. 

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